20 thoughts on “New Deli

  1. JRB

    As a long time Aldi shopper I was looking forward to shopping in the new Aldi when it opened in Abingdon so I didn’t have to travel to Botley or Didcot. However my experience at the Abingdon branch has been met with frustration caused by the North Abingdon Liberal voting elitist Waitrose shoppers who have brought their antics and tactics that they use in Waitrose to Aldi. I also shop in Waitrose [plus M&S, Tesco & Lidl] where I have experienced the self same antics/tactics being employed, such as shelf blocking by holding the trolley at arms length with one hand while pulling item after item from the shelf to peer at it then replace back. Having community meetings in the centre of the aisle causing more frustration negotiating a way around them, wandering aimlessly not knowing what they want/need to buy [I also go with a well prepared shopping list beforehand listing in order that mirrors the store layout].
    More frustration and annoyance occurs at the checkouts where they insist on packing their Waitrose shopping bags [which they use so that their neighbours think that they have shopped there] instead of using the packing bench so that everyone behind them is held up. The point of speedy checkout at Aldi is to help with them providing lower prices, the fast checkout is another reason I shop there so i can complete my shopping and get on with life.
    Before the usual comment posters on this blog start pontificating about my inappropriate highjacking of the blog I say – tough ****, I will have my say irrespective of what you may say or think. If you can’t use the Aldi shop in the Aldi way then stay away any leave it to those who understand how to behave in there. I have been doing the weekly grocery shop for over 55 years so I would class myself as experienced.

    1. Daniel

      It’s not in your gift to class yourself as experienced, it is up to other people to judge you and whether we consider you experienced.

      I think that you are an experienced shopper. I also have my list on layout order – who doesn’t!?

      I have double and sometimes triple shopped to get the best prices between Aldi, Lidl and Tesco – driving in my diesel car of course … But recently Aldi and Lidl have dropped off as I just find the “choice” so limited …

      Yeah, some things like tinned toms is fine, but trying to get anything that is on anyway out of the ordinary (for some, but not others) is a real pain… Just my experience.

      I don’t entirely get the packing shelf though….it’s just as swift to put stuff directly into your bags….

      I look forward to using the new deli on Bath street….if we could just reintroduce free and copious on street parking….I’d be there like a shot!

      1. JRB

        @ Daniel – I disagree that I can’t class myself as experienced as I do I answer the question if put to me “Are you experienced or do you have experience in – [whatever aspect]. Do I reply “Hang on a minute I will have to ask someone?”
        Who doesn’t have a shopping list in layout order? Quite a number of people actually.
        In my observation not everyone can pack their bags as quick as i can place my shopping straight into the trolley, in fact I can easily keep up with the checkout operator and in some instances beat them and am waiting 1-2 seconds for the next item, whereas the ‘We pack the bags at the checkout brigade’ are frequently having items build up while they fiddle around packing and occainsinally taking item out and rearranging. Thus causing a delay to people following. Aldi do encourage the use of the packing bench for a very good reason.
        Anyway, Daniel, how’s the flowers looking this year?

        1. Daniel

          That’s a fair point. I bow to your expertise.

          The flowers? As ever I am slightly disappointed with how “behind the curve” we are on this. Ok, ok, so the flowers “look” lovely, but I do wonder who hasn’t got the (5, 10 year old) memo about “wild flowers”; or “bee friendly species”? Maybe I’m missing something – I am no “expert”. I also thought St David Attenborough had encouraged us to “no mow May”…how’s that going around the town’s green grassy areas?

          I am very glad you manage to pack so efficiently in the supermarket, you must have a lot of time saved. Enjoy it.

      1. JRB

        I am not being judgemental but being observational.Observation can be described as watching in order to carry out a detailed examination of something, before analysis, diagnosis, or interpretation. Other words often associated with observation include reviewing, noticing, monitoring, considering, inspection, and scrutiny.

        Judgment can be described as an opinion or estimate formed by examining and comparing, or the ability to make considered decisions and come to sensible conclusions. Words associated with judgment also include perception, reason, and shrewdness.

        While on my shopping trips I try my utmost not to inconvenience other shoppers around me, more than what is afforded to me on occasions.
        I have shopped online when unable [briefly] been to get out, I prefer to personally choose the items I need. I will exercise my right to do my shopping as I please without being dictated to by the antics/tactics of others.
        ‘Do as you would be done by’ is my lifelong motto.

        1. PFM

          Without wanting to get into a long argument (!), describing how others do things is observing. Commenting negatively or positively about their behaviour and how it affects you and others is judging them.

  2. Steve

    Well, the Deli looks nice , I don’t image they will have packing issue so we should all go there. On street parking of course would help too.

  3. Ron

    Deli – Aldi (Confused) Also confused as I thought you were supposed to use two trollies in Aldi/Lidl as the prices are so good you just have to get it all while their, discussing the latest bargains with your former Waitrose shopper in the middle of the aisle?

    As a former Waitrose shopper for 20 years I think I would class myself as Experienced. Not the type of class JRB.

    1. JRB

      Do you have a problem with that? Answers on a post card and forward to 10 Downing Street. Thanks. Don’t be a p**** all your life – take a day off!!

  4. John

    Genuinely baffles me that someone would get so worked up over something as insignificant as the way people shop in a supermarket.

    My favourite bit is the levels of hypocrisy shown by writing “I will exercise my right to do my shopping as I please without being dictated to by the antics/tactics of others.” Just a couple of comments after posting a personal monologue about the way people shop.

    Absolutely baffling

  5. Kelly Simpson

    JRB can’t get held up that much, and clearly is a fast packer as he/she has time to write this tirade. And btw, it’s hijack.

    First world problems. Be grateful you can shop for and get food wherever you choose.

    Oh, and back to the original blog article – good luck to the new deli business.

  6. Phil

    JRB. You make Aldi sound so exotic! I must pay it a visit sometime.

    I miss added ingredients. And this new deli sounds divine. Waitrose is absolutely fabulous, but sometimes a bit limited. Try finding organic miso, halva, or even something as basic as Palestinian zaatar and you are often left high and dry. At least they have started to stock powered porchini mushrooms. So no scrimping the next time I pull out one of my Ottolenghi dinner party centre pieces.

    Anyway, now I just can’t wait to go on an urban safari to Aldi. What an adventure!

    After close scrutiny of their produce I may even be tempted to pick up a thing or two.

  7. Badger

    So nice to hear of and see a thriving local business opening a retail outlet in the town, centre, I wish them every success.

    Regarding the weekly shop nowadays I shop where it’s cheapest, where some of the products are genuine recognisable brands and where not where the product is close to the brand it’s cloned from. I’ve found Lidl best for the job, Aldi aren’t bad but for me the packaging might remind me of what I used to buy but the contents don’t. Largely I’ve stopped shopping at Waitrose, it’s expensive, more competitive for mainstream stuff recently but go off piste and you’ll pay!

    Of the two discounters I wish the Lidl was as large as the Aldi and in a similar but different location. Unfortunately given the unit it occupies at Fairacres it can never expand and already feels cramped inside, only by taking over the unit next door or moving to a new site can it do so. The Aldi however is spacious and airy inside and has plenty but perhaps at times not enough space for its customers.

    What I hate about the whole thing is the location of most of the stores. Everyone could walk to Waitrose due to its central location but all of the others are in an uncentralised location designed around shoppers travelling in a very American way by car. Obviously every new outlet can’t be near everyone but in a time where we are encouraged to use motor transport less these developments encourage it more. Given the location of all our outlets most people could walk there, some easily but most don’t, obviously the time constraints, lifestyle, weather, carryable quantity all come into play here but come Saturday or Sunday morning when you join the queue for Tesco a mile away enjoy the wait folks.


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