North Abingdon developments

The Kingsgate development has dozens of occupied houses now. As well as Morgan Vale, already mentioned, there are two more road names: Wivell Drive for William Wivell, who was mayor from 1992-3; and

Prosser Way. Jeanette Rickus-Prosser was mayor from 1998-9. She subsequently became known as Jeanette Halliday.

Over the road, work is underway on the new store.

Looking at the entrance to Abingdon nearby, the 2 hours free has been edited after recent parking changes. The sign may also need to move to the new boundary.

Work is also progressing on the Abbey Fields development.

There are welcome signs for potential viewers and a Thankyou for Visiting Abbey Fields on exiting.

A drainage channel has been created near the Oxford Road end of Dunmore Road. The channel runs into a small lake, but I don’t know where it goes from there.

Hawthorn blossom can be seen now that May is here.

12 thoughts on “North Abingdon developments

  1. Janet

    The Orchard Centre in Didcot still has 2 hours free in its car park. Could it be that shoppers are being forced to go to Didcot to shop as Abingdon only has 1 hour free.?

    1. Kelly Simpson

      Will cost more in petrol than paying for the extra hour in Abingdon. If people wanted the type of shops in Didcot they would have been doing that anyway. It’s not as if you’re only allowed to park for an hour – nobody is being forced to go to Didcot.

  2. Hester

    Surely people don’t think that driving 5 (?) miles each way to Didcot is free? yes, the shopping offer is very different, but I can’t believe the additional cost of one hour’s parking is the deciding factor!

    1. Colin

      Ppjs – unfortunately in Abingdon you only have the choice of dated 70’s (or older) housing or these new builds. There is very little in between.

    2. Daniel

      A very unwelcoming, anticar policy (or feeling that there is) for Abingdon is enough to drive people (pun intended) elsewhere….

      Meanwhile, there’s no actual need to build the diamond interchange, as the houses got planning. There’s no actual need to follow through.

      Anyway. I’m alright Jack.

      1. Hester

        Actually they can only build 400 of the 900 before the junction gets under way, so there’s hope yet!

  3. Tricia

    Sadly, I agree with Daniel. The reduction in free parking is sending out the wrong message to potential use of the town centre. Perception is all these days, I’m afraid.


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