Public Toilets in Abingdon

The Abingdon Herald reported about Public Toilets in Abingdon under the headline Public toilets in Abingdon close after vandalism. Cllr Charlie Birks raised the topic of public toilets at the Town Council meeting on 30th March and tried to put pressure on the Vale of White District Council to get them all operational. I also got an email from J who was concerned that the lack of public toilets was making it more difficult for some vulnerable people to visit Abingdon Town Centre. As a result, I went to explore.

The toilets in the Abbey Meadow were working and were being well used. I had to wait a couple of minutes until I could get a picture without people going in, coming out, or loitering outside. The circular glass windows have been replaced with wood and are now more vandal proof. The vandalised radar key has been fixed.

At the Charter, the drains from the men’s toilets keep getting blocked because of subsidence and need digging out and replacing. A notice has been put for men to use the disabled toilet instead (radar key access has been removed). This will be a big job (apology for the pun).

The Hales Meadow toilet is usually only accessible with coins, and at present, the coin slot is taped over. There are lots of notices but none of them has information about the closure. The Herald reports that the door was vandalised.

5 thoughts on “Public Toilets in Abingdon

  1. Janet

    It is really important for the elderly and disabled to have access to public toilets when visiting Abingdon.

    1. Ron Hall

      Don’t think Janet means just the elderly and disabled Colin, though of course I could well be wrong.

      Not enough hours in the day to write the names of every joyous person to have ever lived that may or may not have needed a bathroom in public. No need to take the paraphrased black and white word of an internet chat room as literal now. Little common sense and empathy maybe?

      However it is more “likely”, statistically speaking, due to certain vulnerabilities that particular demographical groups of people share that yes, they will be the wonderful people who will probably use the facilities a little more if available or just stay away.


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