First litter pick of 2022

Helen has the first litter pick of 2022 lined up. It is still a few weeks away and a lot can happen in that time but you can put it in your diary. There are some ad-hoc litter pickers who don’t wait for an organised litter pick to get litter picking so this post is more for those less ad-hoc litter pickers.

As to the litter droppers, stop dropping your litter on the ground, and stop dropping litter (including cigarette butts) out of your car. Put it in the bins provided and if they are overflowing then take it to the next bin, or take it home and drop it in the black or green wheeled bin.

5 thoughts on “First litter pick of 2022

  1. Daniel

    I’ve picked up litter a couple times from my local area; yet more continues to flow.

    If there is no consequence for those that (re)litter, I’m not sure I can be, or should be, bothered anymore. I feel a bit stupid.

    I’d do it again, but only if people that litter have a finger cut off with a pair of secateurs. Am I wrong for thinking this?

      1. Bob

        Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Tenby, Pembs some years ago changed to specifically designed anti-seagull bins? Not sure how succesful they were?
        …….but of course it would mean extra expenditure by our local Council, so that’s not an option!

  2. Colin A.S.R.

    Hopefully bins also get better designed so rubbish is kept in until person who emptied them come around, birds and some animals can remove items as wind also can!! Colin ASR G

  3. Janet

    I have never heard of anyone being fined for littering in Abingdon. I have been around my local area picking up litter. In Singapore people who litter are fined the equivilent of £400 for littering. If they are caught littering again they are fined double and have to turn up at a local park in their best clothes and look for litter to pick up. There does not seem to be many initiatives for keeping areas clean. In South Abingdon the litter bins have been taken away from the local shops area and people just throw litter down. It is disgustingly littered and dirty.


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