Monday Market on Freedom to Choose Day

Since the start of June there has been a new grocer, with dried goods, at the Monday Market in Abingdon.

My wife thinks there is less packaging at the market than supermarkets and so we try to buy vegetables on Monday.

This Monday there were no longer stewards to help control social distancing.

The Isla Jane Bakery looked colourful as did the flowers stall. Today’s heat made some of the flowers wilt.

I felt a bit more self conscious about wearing a mask than usual. I asked one shop keeper whether she had to wear a mask. She said it was left up to her to decide but she thought mask wearing was still the right thing to do with the large increase in infections.

At the library there was nobody outside the door anymore. The track and trace box and QR code had been moved inside the library and is a matter of personal choice. The government is advising that masks should still be worn in crowded public spaces, but the library was not crowded. So some people had chosen not to wear a mask. It is an individual choice now there is no legal requirement.

2 thoughts on “Monday Market on Freedom to Choose Day

  1. Janet

    I was pleased to see that most people shopping in Tesco wore a mask. There was a message online from the CEO of Tesco saying that he hopes that people will continue wearing masks in Tesco stores.

  2. Martin+Gulliver

    I understand that masks were being worn in Waitrose and the Co-op as well. Common sense is prevailing!


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