Isolation then and now

This old postcard shows what Isolation looked like in Abingdon one hundred years ago. The postcard of the Isolation Hospital was published by T. Leach, Abingdon.

Founded in 1901, Thomas Leach Colour are still printing to this day, having survived the Great Depression, two world wars, and countless recessions.
Forecasters have predicted a sunny weekend, but with all the play parks closed, families today were going for walks and playing in open grassy areas, during their allowed time out for exercise.

People were keeping their distance as much as possible but in places like the town end of the Ock Valley Walk that was not as easy as usual.
Peter sent me this Thank-you NHS picture from the Radley Road.
This painted mirror was on the Caldecott Road. The Isolation Hospital building now makes part of Abingdon Community Hospital, run by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
The message coming across from the NHS Trust looks more stark this evening. On the news the message being repeated is stay at home.
M sent me this picture of a seat in Albert Park with 10 cider cans and a wrapper. M says No-one is going to pick them up without gloves and a grabber. If this is the sort of thing some Abingdon people do they need to stop, especially at a time like this.

3 thoughts on “Isolation then and now

  1. PPJS

    Thanks, Backstreeter, for this reminder that isolation in the event of sickness is not something new.

    Am I alone in thinking that the tone of much of the news is so peristently downbeat at a time when half-digested information rips through the internet and so many people are penned in at home, that we are placing many in danger of imploding emotionally and psychologically?

    Of course, these are difficult days, but I am grateful for this blog where Alistair opens our eyes to beauty and hope.

    I trust that visitors to this blog are keeping well – or, if falling ill, are well cared for and make a good recovery.

  2. newcomer

    Well, PPJS, TV Newcasters and Talking Heads must have been wondering, after Brexit and The Floods, what there’d be to hyperventilate about, so Covid-19 has a siver lining for some people. I’d advise not to watch the BBC 24 News Channel as endless repetition can wear you down and you will get terribly dejpressed at the general standard of politicians as they are wheeled out for the daily debrief/continuing fairy story.

    In the Thirties Churchilll was pushing for rearmament as the Germans were a growing threat. In January when people who are paid decent money to track these things were waving red flags about the Wuhan outbreak what was Boris doing? Practising his Churchillian poses in the mirror?

    Keep washing your hands, everyone, but don’t stop there. Apply warm water and soap to the less accessible parts of your body on a regular basis, or the the safe distance might increase to three metres on a voluntary basis ;0)

  3. Red kite

    We are trapped in New Zealand and under Level 4 Lockdown for 2 1/2 weeks and having great difficulty getting flights back to UK, people are obeying the Lockdown and if they are out in the street they go out of their way to give at least 2 mtr separation and are not congregating in groups. The infection rate is beginning to drop so lockdown does work.
    I hope people in the UK will observe lockdown for their own good .


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