Litter Pick – Reynolds Way and Gainsborough Green

Litter and art
Helen has organised a litter pick at the weekend at Reynolds Way and Gainsborough Green.
Litter and art
This is what a Gainsborough picture looks like when spoiled with litter.
Litter and art
Here is one by Joshua Reynolds.

3 thoughts on “Litter Pick – Reynolds Way and Gainsborough Green

  1. Janet

    We have a problem with the litter bins at the Reynolds Way shops. A lot of work vans park here and put a day’s litter in the bins. The litter bins fill up very quickly and then the rubbish blows off the top of the bins. There are 4 bins but these fill up. If the frequency of emptying the bins cannot be changed then perhaps bigger bins would be the answer.

  2. Janet

    I have been told this morning that the paper shop and the post office at Reynolds Way have been forced to close. I have been told that Reg who owns the Grocery shop owns the lease of the papershop and refused to renew it. Apparently he bought the Saxon Arms to prevent it being turned into shops. The elderly and disabled now will have to go to town to access a post office. Is it right for one person to be able to influence what a community has and have the power to dictate the services in an area?


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