Ock Street hole not fixed yet

7th Abingdon Cycle Festival
The long running saga of the Ock Street hole continues. Colin, The Abingdon Taxi driver, wrote about the hole in his column in the Herald, and how after some time it was dug up and filled in again without any fix. In deed, matters were made worse as tar got splashed on the taxis waiting nearby.
7th Abingdon Cycle Festival
The same thing happened again this weekend. A hole was dug. It was filled back in again as the water continued to gush in.

So this morning the cones were back and the pool of water in the road was still there.

10 thoughts on “Ock Street hole not fixed yet

  1. ppjs

    New swimming pool?

    … I read the news today, oh boy
    Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
    And though the holes were rather small
    They had to count them all…

  2. Daniel

    It is a good job they didn’t do this over the Easter school break when the roads were quiet. Thankfully we pay a lot of money to employ people to choose to do it now instead.

  3. newcomer

    Daniel … this way more members of the public get to see how their taxes are being spent … it’s called ‘democracy inaction’.

  4. Julian

    Last night’s commute…. Thame to Culham…..18 miles = 35 mins.
    Culham to Coxetors 1 mile…40 minutes!! Either down to pothole or traffic lights screwing everything up! No other reason for it!

  5. Julian

    Here’s a suggestion for our esteemed Councillors/Highways officials. Why don’t they try turning ALL the traffic lights off in Abingdon, and resort to common courtesy…just for a trial period? The traffic system does not work, and never has done since it was installed, so what have they got to lose?

  6. Daniel

    Perhaps Julian our esteemed “looking outers for us and the spending of our monies-ers”, could be looking to claw back some of the millions of pounds spent on implementing a traffic system recommended by well paid consultants?

    If it is “ok” to be a consultant; and it not matter a jot whether the advice you give is actually any good…well….I’ll be happy to provide inadequate, ill thought-out, wrong, poor, or just bad advice….for half the price.

    This way…the situation will still be truly awful (or worse)…but for a lot less cost. And that, surely, can only be a good thing?

    Please contact me at “maken-Rs-of-it-consultancy services”….

  7. Badger

    Fixing this leak could take some work, a key piece of road in the town, on the one bit of tarmac that everyone travelling E > W has to use and that the busses use as their turn around loop. That the town still does not have an alternate crossing such as installed at Wallingford really says something, I guess the residents of Culham, Sutton Courtney and Drayton are going to be kept up nights while it’s being fixed ‘when’ they eventually form up a big enough Posse to do that. Yee Haa!

    P.S. I’m not anti public transport but have you noticed how the main bus routes receive a greater pounding than any other bit of road potholes, constantly sinking drain covers, sagging polished surfaces? You might use the road once a day during the week but those leviathans rumble over it every 15mins when the sun is up.

  8. newcomer

    News from The Daily Mail passed to me by one of my informants a few days ago:

    “Mandelson signs up Cameron cutie

    Prince of Darkness Peter Mandelson recently found it prudent to distance himself from one old pal, billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, against whom the US has imposed stringent sanctions.

    Tony Blair’s former right-hand man has nevertheless managed to lure ‘Cameron Cutie’ NICOLA BLACKWOOD to his secretive consultancy Global Counsel.

    Former health minister Blackwood, who lost her seat in 2017, has accepted a role as a senior adviser. The Tory, 38, who voted against gay marriage, would not seem to have much in common with Mandy, 64, who has lived with Reinaldo Avila de Silva for 20 years. Perhaps crucially, however, they are both devout Remainers”

    The ‘Former health minister’ may be spending time re-imaginating her CV and being a ‘cutie’, but her former constituents had totally repressed her memory (until I posted this snippet)


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