Gas pipeline upgrades round the Albert Park

New pipes for old
Work to replace ageing gas mains around the Albert Park in Abingdon began last week and will continue for a couple more weeks (correction see comments).
New pipes for old
On Sunday the gate leading to the park area from Faringdon Road was open to help make up for the from Victoria Road being closed.

8 thoughts on “Gas pipeline upgrades round the Albert Park

  1. Janet

    What do people think about the proposed mobile mast near the Abingdon Sea Cadets, off Audlett Drive?
    It will be a 15 metre mask. They don’t need planning permission after a change in the law in 2015. The evidence on health risks are sketchy. I have heard from one person who is unhappy about it. What do people know about the Health risks? Why do they have to put masts in the middle of housing.

  2. Iain

    I think it’s broadly because the same people who live in the houses will want some sort of phone coverage. There’s an interesting article in the paper today about churches having phone masts put on their steeples.

  3. Annabel

    I asked the Governors of CH if they were going to open the Farringdon Rd exit to Albert Park and was told no – only access via Conduit Rd while Victoria Rd is closed. It may have been opened just for access for the works vehicles. The works have already been going on for 3 weeks at the Spring Rd end of Park which is nearing completion.

  4. ppjs

    Churches may be partly interested because it generates income. This is not a cynical comment, simply a statement of fact from a couple of cases known to me.

  5. suzieh

    Janet, there is already a phone mast near Abingdon Sea Cadets, it has been there years. The link you attached would not open for me but the mast that is already there is not near housing.

  6. rudi

    they put the phone masts near where the people with phones are. let he without a mobile phone cast the first complaint.


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