Glory to God in the High st

When Revd. Kevin Watson, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, visited Trinity Church at the weekend he noticed Abingdon had a restaurant called ASK.
Glory to God
Revd. Kevin’s first talk was about working with the elderly. He goes all around the country and one church group for the elderly he visited was called ASK – ‘Alive and Still Kicking.’ So he started his talk telling us about them.
Glory to God
On Sunday morning he visited Trinity, this time in his robes, and told us about another church he had visited that wanted to invite everybody in the town to celebrate one of the big national events. They put up a large banner to let people know they were open with words known from the Christmas story. The night before the event was very windy and the banner blew about. It rained and Revd. Kevin tore a letter away …
Glory to God
So after church I took some pictures. Here is Abingdon High Street looking towards the County Hall.
Glory to God
Here is the High Street from the County Hall.
Glory to God
Again, here is the High Street from the County Hall. “Glory to God in the High St.”

6 thoughts on “Glory to God in the High st

  1. DavidofLuton

    If he visited the church that put up the “glory to god in the high st” banner then he must be very old indeed. I have that story in a Victorian book of sermon illustrations (although in their version it was a stained glass window which had a letter knocked out – which is more plausible, if you think about it.).

  2. Hester

    Sorry for going off topic, but I just wanted to remind people that tonight (7pm in the Roysse Room) is the “Annual Parish Meetng” at which the Town Council report to the public about their activities over the past year. They are also going to take the opportunity to give advance information about the Community-Led Plan which they are going to launch later in the summer and which will give all of us a chance to get involved in shaping the future of our town.

  3. Janet

    It would be nice if the community could have a say in the town’s future. However, the reality is that residents have very little say especially with planning and infrastructure.

  4. backstreeter


    Abingdon East Alison Rosemary Rooke Liberal Democrats
    Abingdon North Emily Jane Smith Liberal Democrats
    Abingdon South Neil Macgregor Fawcett Liberal Democrats


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