King Street, Morland Gardens

King Street
The newest road in Abingdon is King Street – named after Percival Arthur King of Court 22 Ock Street. He was Abingdon’s first WW1 fatality.

While serving with the 1st Royal Berkshire Regiment as part of the British Expeditionary Force, he was killed at Mons on the 10th September 1914 (just about 6 weeks after war broke out), and is buried at Oulchy-Le-Chateteau Churchyard extension.
King Street
Building of the new estate known as Morland Gardens continues apace. Prices range from £380,000 – £530,000 for 2, 3, & 4 bedroom homes.
King Street
Taylor Wimpey say “Whether you are a first time buyer or looking for more room for your growing family, you couldn’t be better placed to live life to the full than at Drayton Road.

(South Abingdon residents have had to battle with traffic congestion for years, particularly on the Drayton Road. So be ready to leave early to work or school if you plan to go by car in the North Abingdon, or Oxford direction. Car and bus travel are much easier travelling to Milton Park or Harwell and to the south.)

17 thoughts on “King Street, Morland Gardens

  1. Julian Annells

    Backstreeter, i think you’ll find that there will be no extra traffic from these badly needed 1st time buyer homes… They are all being given a bicycle to commute, or will all be walking? Well that’s what the developers and planners told us…so it must be true?

  2. Judith

    Hahaha Julian – I was thinking the same. With 159 bicycles swarming in & out of the estate it’s going to be chaos on the cycle path. They didn’t think to upgrade that though!

  3. Dave

    To continue the theme, you must have noticed the difference moving the pedestrian controlled traffic lights has made?

  4. Janet

    I dread getting out of South Abingdon and down the Drayton Road in the future. Not only will we have the 250 or more cars coming out of Morland Gardens but we will have the extra vehicles from the new housing estates in Drayton and Steventon. Yes according to the developers half of the Morland Gardens estate will not want cars but will be content to bike about Oxfordshire. It just shows what rubbish they feed to the public.

  5. Steve

    Starting at £380K for a 2 bed house? I see they are addressing the housing shortage by supplying to 1st time buyers!

    Good to see they have painted bus stops on the road outside the Morland garden estate. On a road well known for traffic issues, they don’t think to create a lay by to get the bus off the road?

    Narrow minded idiots. Still I am sure they have made their money and can mosey on to another town to ruin

  6. Eddie

    I do not understand why the laybys, 80 yards further along the Drayton Road, were not utilised for the bus stops? Could have put in some bike racks too, so that the first time buyers wouldn’t have to walk all that way.

  7. Phil

    Judith. Rather than upgrading the cycle path it’s been degraded, so much so that its not suitable for cycling on.

    In using the cycle path you are expected to navigate around sharp corners, offering limited visibility on a narrow path.

    Where the pedestrian crossing is to the bus stop on the other side of the road there’s enough width for one pedestrian to wait. There’s barely enough room for a cycle in one direction without any pedestrians waiting.

    I’d advise anyone cycling along this stretch to use the road. It’s not safe for pedestrians and cyclists to share this narrow path.

  8. Chris

    Much as the small MG garden on the corner of Drayton Road and the Spring Road roundabout is appreciated I wonder if the time is not ripe to move it ?

    The space gained could be used to create another lane for those turning left out of the Drayton road towards Tesco etc. This might speed the whole process up and cut some of the jams.

    The garden could be recreated in the area of the old MG sheds along Colwall Drive with, possibly, one shed being kept to house a museum. I’m sure a garden would sit well with the planned housing development there.

  9. David Bale

    I know it may sound barmy but I have heard it suggested it is better not to have a lay-by for buses because it helps to break up the traffic!

  10. BykerRode

    Those damn temporary lights are doing that already DB
    Changing to red every few minutes for no reason.
    A bit like slow release medication. Hey is this
    a traffic planning ploy to prove that all the traffic mitigation measures are really working !

  11. Annabel

    It’s the plots that have been released that are £380k upwards and they’re all 3 beds. No 2 beds released yet. Check your info!

    Those traffic lights are incredibly annoying though.

  12. andyr

    Phil (#7) is correct. The ‘dual use’ path is now unsuitable for cyclists, with the path being too narrow, cluttered, and a very poor layout. Junctions are very often the weak point in much of the UK’s ‘cycling infrastructure’, and this particular stretch of path is now best avoided. Unfortunately this scenario was entirely predictable, with what seems to be the usual ‘plug and play’ estate access road.

  13. Steve

    Indeed Annabel, I didn’t check that, apologies.

    But as Chuffy says, they will still be out of reach of first time buyers, which is the problem so we’re told.

  14. Captainkaos2

    Steve, according to right move the developer is now offering to pay the stamp duty and on some properties even offering a shared ownership option!

  15. Dave

    Check the Taylor Wimpy site, Morland Gardens Abingdon. £395.000 – £560.000. And that’s after just a couple of months.
    What price the affordable units when they are released?

  16. Rebecca

    We are first time buyers and hve brought a plot on Morland gardens and yes house prices are so high at the moment anywhere you buy is expensive. We have buying our with he help of the help to buy scheme otherwise we would have had to stay livings with parents for another year to save for an even bigger deposits. There is help out there you just need to read into the info a little longer. shared owner ship houses are in there too which again is more affordable housing.


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