St Helen’s Powercut

At about 8:30pm we got a call from our daughter, who lives in St Helens Mill, saying they had a powercut. We were not affected, but stepping outside I was in darkness and nearly bumped into somebody coming up the path.
Walking round I found the powercut affected most of the town centre roads with St Helen in their name, below the Co-op.
Candles lit up some evening meals, and pedestrians found there way using mobile phone torches. The old anchor had lamps outside.

It was strange that it did not affect our house. Shows we can all be wired differently.

4 thoughts on “St Helen’s Powercut

  1. rudi

    had it on the ladygrove estate too.
    came back on after an hour. reset the clocks and… off again!
    back now though,

  2. AniM

    On the plus side, it was a cloudless night and we spent time outside looking at the stars and planets, much more visible without street lights and household lighting. We could just see the Milky Way and the Plough constellation was crystal clear.


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