30 thoughts on “Recharging the Battery

  1. MrDog

    I hope that you and Mrs Backstreeter have a well earned break. The effort that you invest to build up the community in our town is truly incredible. Thank you.

  2. Badger

    Have a great holiday.

    I’m sure the town will still be where you left it when you return… probably!

  3. Daniel

    Have a good one too from me. This blog is the best asset the town has….thank you for it.

    Just think… an asset that doesn’t make a profit…who’d have thought *that* would be allowed…and Abingdon is richer for it!! There’ll be an accountant or number cruncher fit to burst at the very thought of it.

  4. Julian Annells

    It is so excellent I’m sure the Vale has looked into ways of selling it off..to make funds for another town…. I really don’t know how you manage to find something new for us everyday!have a great break Backstreeter..well deserved!!

  5. Captainkaos2

    Here’s a thing, you would think with the amount of coffee shops we have it would be easy to get a good, consistent cup? Not so, I’ve tried just about everyone and given up the bean in favour of the leaf ! Any thoughts anyone?

  6. Daniel

    …I find tea is even more hit and miss than coffee. For tea the water’s never hot enough, the tea itself is cheap and weak – weak usually means a good cuppa’ cha…but not when it is cheap because it’s just nasty. So, it doesn’t brew…and then it’s always too milky

    You have to try quite hard to make bad coffee….but it’s too easy to make bad tea.

    But either way…it’s all too expensive to run the risk!

  7. hester

    C’mon you guys – surely you can find something better than that to keep us going while Backstreeter is away?

  8. Daniel

    Sorry Hester….

    …I’ve just been shown what was in the “Space – Let’s move to…” in last Saturday’s Guardian Weekend section (23rd July)…who’d of thought…


    Of course, someone needs to tell this reporter to get his facts straight…. Abingdon is, in fact, full too. 45 minutes to the M4… well, only if you are stuck on The Drayton Rd for 20 minutes getting to Tesco…and, let’s be honest…he’s not even acknowledged the bloomin flowers!!

    Still…lovely to get a mention!

  9. Hester

    Perhaps they read your last post recommending Throwing Buns and were waiting for it to open.
    Sadly, since the Vale withdrew from providing support to homeless people other than those with children, there is very little option for them. If they make their way to Oxford there is a bit more help available there.

  10. Captainkaos2

    H, here’s another for you, we’ve just taken our friends “from up north” to Oxford sightseeing, then got an abingdon taxi back, it was one of our guests who took a 6.30 am walk into town this morning and told be of the four way sleepers, telling the taxi driver this he replied, every Sunday evening two well dressed ladies in their early 20’s systematically visit every charity shop in town and riffle the contents of what’s been left in the doorways by the public !

  11. Badger

    More very visible fishermen again this afternoon, 2 in the mill stream close to the Upper Reaches and 2 on Nags Head Island that have just been asked to leave.

  12. Badger

    And 2 more where the Ock merges at the bottom end of the Ock Valley walk about 6pm, the husband and wife/boyfriend girlfriend team fishing for England or Croatia or Poland or Romania or Bulgaria or Latvia or…

  13. Judith

    I hope you are having a lovely break Backstreeter. I am missing your daily updates and love that the battery is nearly recharged! I wonder what your first post will be?

  14. Graham

    Judith. Try “not the abingdon blog” (Google it) and you can see Backstreeter’s holiday postings! Looks like he is having a good time.

  15. Captainkaos2

    Not being one to shy away from controversy, here I go.
    The Knowl ! Who is, or rather is there anyone responsible for their service users ( residents ) well being and appearance ? I see so many of them wandering aimlessly around town, or sat in some shaded corner looking bedraggled and unkempt, surely it would be good for their self esteem to wear clean clothes? Have a hair cut and generally look like someone is caring for them,?

  16. Badger

    Sat in the garden at the Nags at present, seems to be a lot of yoof activity at the rear of the Upper Reaches.


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