The Red Cross in Abingdon 1915-2016

The Red Cross in Abingdon
The Red Cross have a long association with Abingdon. One hundred years ago, during World War I, Tesdale House Auxiliary Hospital was set up in Abingdon. Tesdale House,which I believe is now 22 and 24 Marcham Road (pictured above) – together with 2 adjoining houses, had 60 beds. There was also a Nissen Hut for recreation set up in the garden.
The Red Cross in Abingdon
The hospital was open for the first soldiers in March 1915 and closed in March 1919 having cared for over 1,000 soldiers. Nurses included Miss Challenor, who gave an account of the hospital in a booklet, about the Red Cross in Berkshire, to be found in Abingdon Library local reference section.
The Red Cross in Abingdon
Nowadays the Red Cross in Abingdon have a building in Colwell Drive, next to McDonalds.
The Red Cross in Abingdon
They still help people in times of crisis.

People interested in finding out more, and possibly helping, will be welcomed to a Coffee Morning next week.

8 thoughts on “The Red Cross in Abingdon 1915-2016

  1. Janet

    It is a useful facility as they do wheelchair hire. They also rent out other things such as crutches etc.

  2. Captainkaos2

    Reading about nurse Challenor reminds me of Abingdons other famous nurse, can’t. recal her first name but nurse Cox from the well known old Abingdon family who lived in Spring & Marcham rds worked with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean war, there is a lovely photo of her in the library,
    Off topic but talking to a chap last week about restaurants in town he said he eats in the restaurant of the new Mayott house in Ock St, apparently it’s open to the public and does a wonderful Sunday roast for just £4.50 !

  3. Captainkaos2

    Brilliant link Hester, thanks for that, word on the street is Adrian & Sonia are leaving the Anchor next week, the new owners are planning to turn it into a gastro pub, Sam & Linda are retiring from the Punch Bowl, the land lord of the Black Swan has left and the Brewery Tap is closed.for a refit, not that I’m an alcoholic? Hic !

  4. Hester

    Steve – I can’t claim to challenge your knowledge of the state of Abingdon’s pubs, but I had noticed the following earlier today on Twitter from the Brewery Tap..

    “Whilst it looks like the pub is shut for the refurb, IT’S ACTUALLY NOT. Aspall’s Harry Sparrow cider and Goose Island, Yardbird and St Mungo are our alternative kegged products available all week until we ‘re-open’ Friday morning. And not to forget whatever’s left of the 18 festival casks and 7 ciders we had at the Festival!! Come check out the tent!”

    So maybe you’ll be able to get a drink tomorrow after all!

  5. Iain

    Brewery Tap is one of the best pubs in Abingdon. Good range of well kept beers, excellent food and plenty of events. Keep up the good work.


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