Some recent street art in Abingdon

Street Art
Peter sent me a picture showing a painting attached to the sign of the Drayton Road development.

Somebody has taken issue about those houses. They are not objecting that they are being built against local people’s wishes, but because they will not make housing affordable.
Street Art
On Bridge Street a lot of the shops got some overnight Friday night street art. It was not Banksy art, and quite rude in places, and so got removed.

5 thoughts on “Some recent street art in Abingdon

  1. Janet

    People can be very naive. Someone said to me they have to build houses as we have lots of homeless. These houses will be well above most people’s incomes. No social housing is being built to house people on low incomes. However, someone said that at the end of Preston Road a shed has been converted and there are 8 immigrants living in it. This appears to be the way forward in Abingdon.

  2. Lyle Lanley

    For once this isn’t just Abingdon, its everywhere…

    ‘Affordable’ housing is a politicians con anyway, why would any business sell something at below the market rate, unless of course, its subsidised by the tax payer….

    Mind you, some of the 800 houses built on the North side of Abingdon might end up being ‘affordable’, because people certainly wont pay ‘top rate’ to live next to the A34 and a shiny new park and ride..

  3. Peter Del

    As I’ve said before, banks are happy to lend money to people to buy a house so that they can rent it rather than lend money to someone who wants to buy it. Then the landlord charges a rent much higher than the mortgage payments would have been, and successive governments let them.

  4. Suzieh

    Dont blame the banks,… daughter has been looking to buy for almost a year, she has put in offers on 6 houses only to be beaten by “investors” who then rent out the places they have bought. She wants her first home, but is being kept out of the housing market by greedy house sellers, and greedy estate agents who suggest that she should offer more than she can afford to beat these cash wealthy investors.

  5. Margaret

    I was led to believe that at the present time,no builder could obtain planning permission to build unless they provided a number of Social Housing


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