Martin Wackenier has had a love of photograhy from an early age. As well as running a photography business for the last five years, he has started a project to capture The People of Abingdon with 2000 images.
The Abingdon Camera Club annual open competition is now open with two categories: Adults and Under 16s. Winning entries will be displayed in the Community Shop.
My brother in law can’t use his old camera anymore – because of muscular dystrophy, and has given me the Pentax camera with lens filters, flash gun, telephoto lens, and camera care kit. All wonderfully kept. I put a B&W 35mm film in on Sunday, and wasted the first shot on the ceiling, but can’t wait to see the results of the other pictures in 3 or 4 weeks time.
I was interested in the People of Abingdon project. The photos seem to be all taken in the center of Abingdon. This seems to me to reflect a point of view help by certain people that Abingdon only consists of the center and more affluent part of town. The estates, especially of South Abingdon are forgotten. Places like Saxton Road have made up Abingdon for a long time.
The initial sessions are in the Market Square but over the next six months I will going round all of Abingdon to capture it’s people so please watch this space.