20% Car Parking Price Hike to hit Abingdon Town Centre Residents

Street Life comes to Abingdon
Oxfordshire County Council are proposing to raise the cost of the Town Centre Residents’ car parking permit from £100 a year to £120 a year. Objections, specifying the grounds for objection, need to be received by 6th March 2015. (found under public notices on page 36 of this week’s Herald ….)

11 thoughts on “20% Car Parking Price Hike to hit Abingdon Town Centre Residents

  1. Davidofluton

    Brings a whole new dimension to highway robbery. I wonder what the justification is for a price rise ten times the level of inflation?

  2. Spike S

    While I expect this post to get flamed, I have often wondered as our streets get progressively less viable for the unimpeded movement of traffic: Do people who inhabit properties without driveway or garage believe they have an inherent right to store their vehicle(s) on the public highway ?

  3. Col

    Spike, I ask the same question, Back in 1976, the estate the family moved to (still live in consisted of terraced-semi-detatched houses and flats. Houses had integral garage, flats parking spaces. (original plans did have their own garages – never got built).
    Now forward to 2015, multi car ownership, some people converted the garage into living space, so cars parked on their drives, and in the road/on pavements…

    Constant arguments about the right to park vehicles on a highway, in front of ‘their’ house. Many tend to perch the car on pavement so cars can pass.

  4. daniel

    …the Drayton Rd development’s developers have altered the planning application to increase the number of 3 bedrooms houses, to 4 bedroom. (Just think of all that much needed housing for 1st time buyers!), anyway…I just wondered, are these houses subject to parking permits? And, moreover…there is supposed to be a calculation for “number of parking spaces per number of bedrooms, per dwelling”….I think that 4 bedrooms needs 3 spaces (I think 3 bedrooms only need 2 spaces). Should we anticipate that the developers, whilst increasing the number of bedrooms are they also increasing the number of parking spaces…or, like all developers, are the planners not really giving a damn? Obviously, more bedrooms, and so more occupants, and so more cars, and so more traffic…one assumes this is something else that will affect the traffic on the Drayton Rd too….how does that affect the ‘traffic mitigating measures’ that are being put in place…? More whistling in to the wind no doubt?

  5. Paul

    Yes people get annoyed if they can’t park on “Their” bit of the road in front of their house, despite the fact that roads are for driving on and not parking on.I lived in St. Ives for a while and had to rent a space about half a mile away in a public car park, it’s one of the things you take into account when buying a property.Cars certainly shouldn’t be allowed to park on the pavement, then entrance to Thames View is a mess, if you are diabled or have a pushchair you can’t use the pavement at all because of cars.

    Oxford is even worse, a lot of CPZ areas people have drive ways and all that happens is that they park on te road and then rent out teir drives to commuters.

  6. Julian

    Daniel…didn’t you read the draft plan? ALL of these people in the new homes will either use their free bicycles that the developers are going to provide within the house price, or use pblic transport, or walk everywhere… There will be no extra cars??

  7. Rudi

    Something not being told here is when there was last a rise? If more than a year then clearly a 20% rise isn’t an annual rise of 20% plus I can’t help but wonder which drivers choose a property without parking

  8. daniel

    Julian, it won’t actually be long now until we uninvent the combustion engine…then all our ills will be solved, and a lot of people will be very happy.

  9. James

    The last rise was at least 8 years ago. What would be nice if the extra residents spaces promised…………..at least 8 years ago actually showed up. They almost got there 3 years ago, but managd to plan to put them on the wrong side of St Helens Court (so the doors opened onto the brick wall next to the carpark) and since then it would seem whoever is in charge of such matters (and presumably has never actually been to the area) took their ball home.

  10. David Coates

    This will please the shop keepers in Witney and Didcot, yet another stranglehold on Abingdon’s economic development


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