Monthly Archives: October 2012

Five Ways to Well Being

Five Ways of Being
On the Market Place in Abingdon today there were balloons, leaflets, and a well being tree to promote Mind‘s current initiative, Five Ways to Well being. The Mayor and Town Clerk were also there to show their support. The five ways are …

1. Connect with people around you
2. Be active (we did have a quick game of handball after this picture was taken).
3. Take notice. Be Curious.
4. Keep learning. Try something new.
5. Give. Do something nice for somebody. Thank somebody …

Today was also world mental health day, an annual chance to raise understanding, and reduce stigma around the 1 in 4 people who suffer some sort of mental health problem some time in life. For example Depression affects 10% of new mothers, and depression is treatable.

Abingdon Fair – The Small Print

Abingdon Fair - Reading Matter
Abingdon Fair sometimes looks like Piccadily Circus. There are so many competing attractions.
Abingdon Fair - Reading Matter
There are so many signs.

One small stall had a fire evacuation procedure which was laminated and visible for all to see. So how many people read the small print, about health and safety,  before going on a ride?
Abingdon Fair - Reading Matter
Extreme “is not suitable for people with back or neck injuries, expectant mothers, the faint hearted or wimps…
Abingdon Fair - Reading Matter
I see that the advise on Froggit includes the following “This is a fast moving boisterous ride, persons of a soft nature are advised to watch before riding…”
Abingdon Fair - Reading Matter
Power shot  also has a safety notice, but above all it seems that the ultimate danger is Chewing Gum.

Abingdon Fair – Monday

Abingdon Fair - Momday
Not everybody likes Abingdon Fair.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
It causes problems for people living in roads nearby, and people having to get through town.

That is apart from our road, West St Helen Street, where for once in the year there is no traffic. East St Helen Street gets all the traffic for a change.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
People say that it would be better off in a field out of town. I dare say but on a day like today – after all the rain – a field would be muddy.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
There seemed to be a lot of policemen and security men about today. Some years there is trouble. Better safe than sorry.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
There were fairly good crowds tonight, despite the rain. I think the pressure to down-size Abingdon Fair is more likely to come from the fair operator. They must need to make money to attract the big rides.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
Abingdon Fair does after all happen about the same time as Nottingham Goose Fair.
Abingdon Fair - Monday
Anyway,  for people who do suffer from the traffic or lack or parking, just one day more, then it will be gone again quicker than it came. My kids have grown up so for me there is less chance to go on rides, but I still enjoy the bright lights, the atmos fear, and the donuts.

Abingdon Fair – Sunday – with church services at start and end

Abingdon Fair - Sunday
Bishop Elias of South Sudan – the newest country on the planet – was preaching at Abingdon Baptist Church this morning. He was hidden for three days in the jungle at birth because of the civil war; recruited at 12 as a child soldier; educated at a refugee camp in Uganda; arrested by the people’s liberation army and sentenced to a firing squad; now a bishop, he is dedicated to building schools and hospitals in his homeland. He said “All we need is a small push at first and then WE’LL start rolling.”

(And, on a minor note, he had to find his way through Abingdon Fair to get to the Baptist Church for the service at 10am this morning.)
Abingdon Fair - Sunday
Outside preparations for Abingdon Fair were well under way.
Abingdon Fair - Sunday
The Helter Skelter was being slotted together section by section.
Abingdon Fair - Sunday
Horses were taken out from where they are packed like sardines in a van to be hung on the Carousel of Galloping Horses.
Abingdon Fair - Sunday
Abingdon Fair is one of the longest Street Fairs in the UK and probably the longest along such a narrow town centre / residential street. In places the margins for error are small with buildings so close.
Abingdon Fair - Sunday
Later on, with most of the hard work done, there was another church service  to welcome and bless the Fair. It ended with a ride on the Carousel.

Abingdon Fun Fair grew out of the hiring fairs set up in Medieaval times to help regulate the labour market.