Category Archives: seasons

Ladybirds Wake Up on a Sunny Day

Ladybirds Waking on a Sunny Day
Near St Helen’s Church a group of Ladybirds were looking for food on a Comfrey Plant.
Ladybirds Waking on a Sunny Day
They had woken up from their group hibernation.
Ladybirds Waking on a Sunny Day
Forsythia was in flower nearby.
Ladybirds Waking on a Sunny Day
Walking along the Ock Valley Walk there were many blossoms and tiny leaves.
Ladybirds Waking on a Sunny Day
Celandine flowers grew up among the young nettles and ivy.

Halloween kicks off the run in to Christmas

Throughout the month of October there has been a crate of pumpkins outside Waitrose, on Abbey Close. When I went there today there was one very squashed pumpkin left.
Outside and inside Fabulous Flowers, on Bridge Street, there have been pumpkins and gourds throughout October.
Masons wool shop, on Stert Street, have pine cones, leaves, and horse chestnuts; spiders, webs, witch and brooms. and skull patterned material. These things you might see in other Halloween themed shop windows. What is unique at Masons are the orange and black balls of wool and the orange and black knitting patterns.
The Children’s Air Ambulance charity shop, on High Street, has a heart arresting display.
The British Heart Foundation, on Bury Street, removed their Halloween display today. They are now on the run in to Christmas.

Make hay while the sun shines

There was good hay making weather in Abingdon today.
Make hay
On Wednesday Tony Tyler from the Old Farm Shop at Rowstock brought a tractor to mow the grassland area at Barton Fields. On Thursday the Barton Fields Green Team raked the hay.
Make hay
Then today Abingdon Green Gym and the Green Team completed raking and stacking the hay.
Make hay
The toad in the picture was more easy to see with the hay cut, but well camouflaged. Grass snakes are attracted to piles of hay as they provide a warm ambient temperatures during the winter months.

Start of Spring

The Spring Equinox can be any date between 19th and 21st March. This year Spring began on the 20th March.
The daffodils in front of the Abingdon-on-Thames Fire Station have been flowering for most of March. They are called the Field of Hope and were planted in 2010. The first bulbs were planted for a former Abingdon Fireman who died of cancer. The others were planted by people remembering others.
The daffodils on the far bank of the River Thames from Abingdon are at their best at the moment. I don’t know why they were planted but they keep their crescent shape every year. They are quite early this year.