Category Archives: Guildhall

Press Release about the Abbey Hall

The Guildhall development is not to go ahead because, now the tenders have been considered, the project will be too costly.
Town Council
The press release says …

Following the recent tender exercise in relation to the proposed improvements in relation to the Abbey Hall, the Town Council, at its meeting of 25th January 2017, has reviewed the project.

The Council has, with regret, concluded that the project and the necessary works which are required to bring the Abbey Hall up to acceptable modern standards, is unaffordable in the context of the Council’s overall financial commitments and the fact that many of the services which would have been delivered from the Abbey Hall are provided by other organisations and businesses. Consequently, the capital investment required in the Abbey Hall Project cannot be justified and the Town Council will, over the coming months, be working with other local authorities to explore the possibilities of alternative community uses for the Abbey Hall.

Council Leader Councillor Mike Badcock stated: “We are unable to pursue our project in relation to the Abbey Hall. The Council have worked very hard on finding a solution which is both sustainable and affordable but have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the building has beaten us. Whilst this is to be regretted it is better for this difficult decision to have been taken now before substantial sums were committed to building works. Even based on the lowest tender we were looking at overall project costs of £3,080,000 (note this included a modest budget of £120,000 for works in the historic building). It remains this Council’s intention to move forward and re-open the historic Guildhall when any necessary works have been undertaken in relation to that building.”

Guildhall Quotes considered by Town Council

Guildhall Quotes
There was a meeting this evening of Abingdon-on-Thames Guildhall Committee to consider the quotes tendered by companies for redeveloping the Guildhall.

The guildhall closed for re-development at the end of 2015. Planning permission and a final public consultation on the plans happened in the summer of 2016, and quotes have been requested based on the plans

The major features of the plans include a cafe area with ground floor access, a multi functional hall with cinema equipment. The old concrete ramps front and back will be removed, and internal access improved.

Guildhall Consultation – July 2016

The Abbey Hall was built alongside the older Guildhall rooms in 1965 to replace facilities at the Victorian Corn Exchange when it was demolished to make room for the Bury Street Shopping Centre.
Guildhall Consultation
Fifty years on The Abbey Hall is about to have a major revamp. Planning permission has been given for the changes which, from the outside, get rid of the ugly concrete ramps, and open up the ground floor with floor-to-ceiling glass.
Guildhall Consultation
Yesterday there was a consultation, and Cllr Mike Badcock, Leader of Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council, was there to explain the new plans and listen to feedback.
Guildhall Consultation
The  consultation was in the Roysse Room and people could look at the plans. Specifically at this stage the town council are looking for adjustments that would make it work better for Community Groups.
Guildhall Consultation
They also want to see whether there is approval from residents for adding another £250,000 to the capital budget in order to make some further improvements to the overall inter-connectivity and better use of space where the current entrance foyer now is. To read more or give feedback download the July 2016 consultation document.