Category Archives: Theme Day

Abingdon Clouds (Theme Day: Soft)

These clouds were photographed over West St Helen Street in Abingdon.

Close-up clouds look like mist and feel moist. Further away, they look soft like cotton wool, but if clouds were like cotton wool, aeroplanes would have problems climbing to 35,000 or 36,000 feet. Clouds must be softer than cotton wool, softer than marshmallows – as soft as moist air.

Part of the City Daily Photo theme day: Soft.

My Superpower

The first of the month is the day for a “theme day”, and the September 2022 theme is “My Superpower.” It is difficult to choose. But in the end, I have gone for the power to disappear. Click HERE to see more superpowers from around the world.

What’s “Your Superpower”?

Great Big Mess – Theme Day

There were strong winds and rain yesterday morning and it blew trees over. There are a group of large trees, still with their foliage, on the walk from Abingdon Bridge to Abingdon Lock.

Two of them are snapped on the main trunk, and a couple of others have been torn apart higher up.

This is how they look from the other bank of the River Thames. They are not the only ones. Other trees are broken and torn, but this group are the most dramatic.

A lot of leaves were blown into the MIll Stream. It looks a great big mess.

For November the City Daily Photo theme is Great Big Mess. Have a look at other examples of this theme at the Great Big Mess Gallery.

Theme Day – Right Under Your Nose

If you want to wear it right under your nose, the picture, taken under St Helen’s Church in Abingdon, shows how it is done. ‘Over your nose’ is the best way to protect other people if you have Covid-19 and don’t know it.

If you would like to see more pictures on the 1st September theme of ‘Right Under Your Nose’, from around the world, click here.