Category Archives: weather

A foggy rush hour

St Helen’s Church was barely visible at 8:51 this morning because of the fog.

Traffic queued back along West St Helen Street. A minibus – full of children with hi-viz vests – was on its way to school. They were probably late, as were the people going to work.

The traffic slowly moved over the iron bridge from Wilsham Road and Caldecott Road. Some cars turned on Wilsham Road to try to find an alternative route. But everybody seemed patient and resigned to being a bit late. They let others in at junctions, and there was no hysterical beeping of horns.

Within an hour, the road traffic and the fog had cleared. Children were at school, adults were at work, and the sky was blue.

Sun, trees, and ice

Almost Ice Skating
Yesterday there was ice under the trees on the opposite bank to St Helen’s Wharf.
Almost Ice Skating
Green plants and dead leaves could be seen under the ice.
Almost Ice Skating
The ice has melted today, but yesterday it looked spectacular with the sun, trees, and ice.

Freezing fog and twenty years of blogging

Twenty Years
The overnight freezing fog left rime on cobwebs and trees this morning.
Twenty Years
The sensory garden at Carswell School was designed by Trinity Learning, a charity run by Rosemary Perrow for many years. It helped and still helps a lot of schools and children. Rosemary recently died, but her excellent work at Trinity Learning is carried on by Nicola.
Twenty Years
There will be a tabletop sale at Trinity on February 4th.

On Friday evening, the Church in Abingdon quiz took place at Peachcroft Christian Centre with eleven church teams. Trinity won it the last time, but Christ Church – Long Furlong won this time.

I mention those things because twenty years ago, I started blogging, and my first blog was the occasional blog about Trinity Abingdon. The Harry Dog Blog and Abingdon Blog came later in 2006.

A couple of rainy days

Rain Rain Rain
Today we wore our wellington boots because gusty winds and heavy rain continued. On Stert Street, the surface water was splashed towards pedestrians and shops.
Rain Rain Rain
Surface water was also on this corner of Park Road and Conduit Road.

Lighter showers are predicted tomorrow.