Abingdon First

Abingdon First
A new Abingdon website has been set up by some concerned – anonymous – individuals. They see a need to make the people of Abingdon aware of some of the big issues facing the town, which they feel have not had a big enough airing. They want to get the real facts out into the open, and hold councils and councillors to account.

Possible campaigns mentioned so far are:

  • The traffic / a second river crossing / opening up of a Lodge Hill diamond interchange 
  • How the precinct is used
  • The second phase of the Charter development

So far they have given their opinions, and would like comments on:

  • The Guildhall development and Cinema
  • More Houses being built

The web site is called Abingdon First and was launched just over a week ago.

28 thoughts on “Abingdon First

  1. ppjs

    Anonymous groups may have important points to make, but (in my view) they should “front up”. Councillors have to face public criticism by name. Pressure groups should have the same courage.

  2. Max

    I agree with ppjs. I believe their arguments are diluted by hiding their identity. Come on Sparticus, show yourself.

  3. Iain

    Ppjs identified himself in an earlier post (paul sheppy) and is clearly not seeking anonymity – i think there’s a big difference in using your initials or a shortened version of your name and acting under a pseudonym.

  4. ppjs

    Now that Max and I (Paul Sheppy) have identified ourselves, perhaps AbingdonFirst will have the courage to do the same.

    Who is “we”?

    Whenever someone says “Some of us think”, I want to know who the some of us are. AbingdonFirst represent only themselves – unfortunately, we still don’t know who they are.

  5. GJ

    I like the idea but I feel a bit uneasy with the anonymity when “no hidden agenda” and “transparency” are used.

    Anyway, I will read with interest.

    Glenn James
    Abingdon Resident for 65 years so far.

  6. newcomer

    I’ve held back commenting on The Blog for quite a while, mainly as I think it’s a massive asset to Abingdon and I’d like to think of Alastair as a friend. I don’t want to spoil the huge effort he’s put into The Blog by getting overly political and making life difficult for him.

    This is not a consideration that has stopped Iain posting here to ramp his political career and promote the doomed Guildhall Cinema project which is haemorrhaging council tax money as I type and pouring it into the pockets of ‘consultants’.

    I think that Abingdon has had a raw deal from all its politicians at Town and Vale level and I will express my opinion on the Abingdon First site (I already have) and not here as The Blog has a more gentle role.

    Ive got a feeling that ppjs, Max and John S might be ‘place men’ … but what do I know?

  7. Rachel - the other one

    I’ve asked them who they are on twitter but got no response.

    The thing with effecting change is that it happens face to face, through conversation and debate, not behind a mask or anonymity online. Using a BT community site means that they don’t even have whois data to identify them!

    If all Abingdon First wants to do is hector from the sidelines it won’t achieve much. Lots of people are already doing that! At what point will they come out as a group and talk to people? Will they have a stand in the square at some point or meet Councillors or the Chamber of Commerce?

    I am interested in personalities because I know many Abingdonians face to face. There are very strong personalities here who pop up regularly in a number of different areas of town life and seem to have fingers an all sorts of pies.

    I am 40 and often one of the few ‘younger’ people at meetings or events locally. Where are the 20 and 30 year olds? They are buying or renting property here, paying council tax, drinking in our pubs, eating in our restaurants and keeping the town busy but they don’t go to meetings much.

    An awful lot of those Abingdonians live here but work elsewhere. They are hugely under-represented in Abingdonian talking shops yet they probably have some great ideas for connecting us all in real ways. Just look at the success of the Park Run.

    Some people I know want to dig in and make no changes while others want change but don’t have the tools to make it happen. Still others live in a dream land and probably need to move to their dream town! I know this because I talk to people and listen to people too.

    Show your faces AbFir and let’s hear what you really want and whose interests you wish to serve.

  8. Max

    Newcomer- I have been a regular reader of this blog for about 2 years and have only made one previous contribution which was about kfc. I have no political ties or axe to grind. Regarding AbingdonFirst I welcome them for contribution and support them in what they wish to achieve. I just believe their point is diluted by wishing to remain anonymous. That however is there wish and their right.

  9. newcomer

    Just jaunted back to look at The Blog to find that Iain has a comprehension problem and I’m being hectored by Rachel … who doesn’t know me and I don’t know her.

    It’s easy to ignore Iain as if it’s too difficult for him it’s too complex for you, or things are, well … commercially confidential. We’re just ‘the electorate’ … more inconvenient than the political opposition.

    Iain, not being able to listen to another’s case doesn’t mean you’ve won an argument, it just means you’re a bit pedestrian (think the Guildhall meeting).

    Rachel … I’m willing to believe that something cogent is coming out of your comment and I’m willing to give it another read, but could you pass it by me again in a more concise format.

    I should say that Iain and I have met and he’s a charming fellow who would have fitted perfectly into a post-War Ealing movie with Kenneth More, Ian Carmichael, and Diane Dors.

  10. Iain


    It’s always enjoyable to hear from you. I still dont understand why you think i’m some sort of political wannabe. I’m keen to do some good for my town and have become a councillor in order (among other things) to try and do so. I dont have any historic party involvement and stood to try and make a difference, in a way frankly i wish more people would.

    One of the things i’m trying to do is to reduce the subsidy on a little used building and turn it into a facility which will provide a service the town would value,

    I’ve met with you, and unfailingly tried to answer the questions you’ve put to me (which isnt always easy as you are an intelligent man who poses his questions in a cryptic manner at times).

    I have no intention to use Backstreeters blog for ‘political’ gain, but equally i will not stand silently on the side line when people make either misinformed or willfully inaccurate statements.

    For the record i bear no relationship to Ian Carmichael, Kenneth More or Diana Dors (well maybe at the ocassional fancy dress party in my younger days).

  11. Abingdon First

    Iain, Are you saying that anything on the Abingdon First site is inaccurate? If so please let us know, and as long as you can back up your information with a source, (which we try to do on there with most things), then we will willingly put the matter right? It seems that most (ALL) of the negative comments we have received on here and on the guestbook page on the site, are due to the fact that a few are fixated with who we are? Not one negative comment on the content, and surely the content is what matters? It’s certainly a lot more important than who we are!
    Ps I think I have seen the pictures of you as Diana Dors somewhere on the web….as soon as we find them they will be put onto the latest news page!

  12. newcomer

    ‘I dont have any historic party involvement’

    So, you’re not a Tory/Posh Boy? Guess not, as the Top Tories in the Town seem to be a bit rude and crude. But that’s the price you pay in politics … the people you have to mix with.

    You haven’t got near any of my questions. The meeting I was involved with was a bombardment of other peoples’ dissatisfaction with the town in general and I could hardly get a word in edgeways re. my points about how the council is wasting money on the Guildhall Cinema project.

    You might have thought you’d stroked everyone into a state of acceptance/stupor, but you, obviously, don’t know how political glibness aggravates the electorate.

    I’m going to ask the guys ‘n’ gals on Abingdon First if I can lay my objections out on their site and you can state your case there. That’s democracy (or nearer to it than the Council is)


  13. Abingdon First

    Please feel free to comment on Abingdon First by all means. We would welcome it.
    Iain, Please also feel free to reply. We will willingly put both sides of the argument.
    Indeed we would appreciate the views of any Councillors who would like to comment on any of the issues.

  14. newcomer

    I don’t want to spoil Alastair’s Blog with political stuff as it’s brilliant, if left alone, with all the important ‘micro-news’ about the town. Alastair is so good wandering about town and noticing.

    I’ve been pretty explicit on this site about what I think and it’s usually been a bit ’emotional’ when it comes to the dimwit council.

    I’d like to go beyond comment and do a ‘feature’ on something like the disaster which would be the Guildhall Cinema, or, (intake of breath) why a Lodge Hill diamond and housing might not be all bad..

    It shouldn’t be politics. It should be common sense.

    Abingdon First up for this?

  15. ppjs

    Newcomer suggests that I may be a place man and then asks “but what do I know?”

    Little about me, it seems.

    I can identify only two other people who occasionally post on this site (JohnE and davidofluton) whom I know personally. Apart from that, I have no other connections with anyone else on this blog.

    I am a local resident (in Mill Road) and I read this blog every day because Alastair has the happy knack and determination to let us know more about our town.

    My commitment to the community is primarily in road safety issues, since I am the training officer (unpaid) for the Thames Valley Group of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders (www.roadartvg.org.uk). I am also a member of the congregation at St Michael’s.

    That’s my place…..

  16. Iain

    Ab First – i take no issue with your site, nor is there any suggestion on my part that there are inaccuracies in your site. I cant say i’ve read it thoroughly but i’ll be sure to point it out if i spot any. My comment was explaining why i comment on feedback posts on this site (not backstreeters main articles i hasten to add which are unfailingly well informed and well written)

  17. Iain

    Newcomer – i guess poshness is in the eye of the beholder. I’d imagine i’m pretty solidly middle class. My mums a teacher, my dad’s a civil engineer, i’m state educated as are my children. i happen to think the conservatives are the party least likely to mess up the economy which is why i am a member – nothing to do with class.

    Most (if not all) of the councillors have chosen their parties due to national issues, and at a town council level these have little bearing on most of our decision making. All the councillors, regardless of party, are trying their best to do what they feel is right for abingdon and give a lot of personal time in order to do this.

  18. Abingdon First

    If you would like to send us anything you would like an article on then please do. The email address is on the website.
    Please do, we want to be as accurate as possible, which is why we have not released some articles that are “Coming Soon”, because we are still checking details.
    With Kind regards and best intentions. Abingdon First

  19. Hester

    Play nicely boys, or Mummy will take your smartphones away from you. Come to think of it, since a few hours have gone by, maybe she did!

  20. Janet

    I am intrigued by the Abingdon First web site and wonder who the people are behind it. I must admit some Abingdonians are scandalised at the mention of pertinent subjects and questions. For instance – a local Abingdon woman with children was made homeless and Sovereign Vale said that she did not have a chance of getting social housing but immigrants from outside the area seem to be getting social housing quite easily. Are the people from outside the area getting preference from Sovereign Vale? (Shock horror, we should not mention this subject or ask questions about it} It is the same with housing and other topics. I believe everyone has a point and I will personally not insult anyone for discussing topics. Dialogue is good.

  21. Abingdon First

    Thanks Houdini, much appreciated. (We could do with some positive comments on our comments page though too…)
    Good to know that we are not all bad though.
    Best wishes
    Abingdon First.

  22. Michael

    I can think of several legitimate reasons why the creators of the Abingdon First website might want to be anonymous.
    1. They might be council employees, and feel that openly criticising councillors or council officers might harm their careers.
    2. They might be members of a political party and wish to remain in that party, but want to express views that are counter to that party’s policy.
    3. They might be business-people who are concerned that their future dealings with the council could be impaired.
    4. They might be shy people.
    5. The last and most controversial possibility is that they are party politicians who want people from across the political divide to read their blog with an open mind.
    While it does make some people uncomfortable, they should have the right to anonymity.


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